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What Does Asbestos Look Like? Is Asbestos Dangerous?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral in earth which is dangerous, when it is disturbed. In most cases, asbestos won't do any kind of harm, but when it gets disturbed, the mineral proves hazardous. The use of asbestos is there for the last several decades.  But at that time, people or companies used it never knew that it can be so dangerous to the lives of human beings in the long run. But over the time the mineral started showing its effect in the form of various dangerous diseases and complications. It was at an early time when most companies in the US started using asbestos due to its unique properties. Most of the time, you will see that it is such a mineral which is fire resistant. Due to this, it was used in many products. Companies not only used asbestos relate products in the US but also started promoting them due to some of the unique properties of asbestos related products. One of the very peculiar properties of asbestos is that it is used in products like fire exting